

Delegate Registration

  • Registration is $900 per person and includes all activities published on the U40 Connect schedule. 
  • Delegate registration requires employment with a WSIA member firm and current U40 membership status.
    1. Sign In/Find Me/Create Account
    2. Click the pencil to edit the Membership section under the About tab.
    3. Add birth year and click to check the U40 Member box.
    4. Save.
  • Registration is limited to 200 attendees.

Cancellation, Refund and Name Substitution Policy

  • All requests must be made via email to Chelsea Lenhart at [email protected]. Refunds will be processed within two weeks after request.
  • Through August 31 | Registrants can receive a full refund, with a $50 processing fee.
  • From September 1 - September 30 | Registrants can receive a 50% refund
  • After September 30 No refunds will be offered.
  • Should you cancel, you will have a limited time opportunity to substitute someone else at your firm as an alternative to the above refund policy.

Badge Policy

  • Badges are required for all WSIA U40 Connect functions.
  • Badges are not assignable and are intended for the exclusive use of the registrant whose name appears on the badge.
  • WSIA reserves the right to charge a full registration fee to any individual attending the conference related events/sessions.
  • Registration materials, including badges, will only be provided to the registrant upon presentation of his or her photo identification.